Ostensibly Opaque…


΅〜 ೋღ ღೋ     〜΅

Colors of my soul…
Barely there…

΅〜 ೋღ ღೋ     〜΅
Whisper lies cloaked in half truths…
Solemn cadence
Vestiges of madness…

On the crest of a fallen tear…
Encapsulating every hurt…every fear…every disappointment…
As it traces its way down my cheek…it brings forth clarity…insight…

΅〜 ೋღ ღೋ     〜΅
Hope long suppressed struggles against its oppression…
Begging freedom…
Promising everything…
Seeking no remuneration…
Only opportunity to see itself fulfilled…
To bask in its beautiful rendition…

΅〜 ೋღ ღೋ     〜΅
To turn what was ostensibly opaque…into vivacious vibrancy…

 To shine…


΅〜 ೋღ  ღೋ     〜΅

    ΅〜 ೋღ  Christina ~  ೋღ 〜΅

Wipe Away My Tears…

΅〜 ೋღ ღೋ      〜΅

Wipe Away My Tears...

΅〜 ೋღ ღೋ      〜΅

Melancholy descends…
Enveloping me…
Past and present collide…
Contemplation in the aftermath…

΅〜 〜΅
Coalesce into conflicted confusion…

 I see the light faintly through the black of night…beckoning me to its peace…
I sit…ponder…feel…

΅〜 〜΅
Tumultuous emotions inducing me to feel everything at once…
Happy, despair, joy, hope, fear…
The tears fall unwillingly…
They ignore my plea to stop…
Mirrored images recreate remembrance of every detail I’ve fought so hard to forget…

΅〜 〜΅
Life is fleeting…
In a heartbeat everything changes…

My strength is a façade…a mask worn long enough to convince me of it’s transparent deception…

Please…wipe away my tears…
Be strong for me…

΅〜 〜΅
Let me smile through to my soul…
Let that happiness waiting in the peripheral fill me once again…
Let the sunshine in…


΅~ ೋ ೋ ~΅

΅〜 ೋღ  Christina~ ღೋ     〜΅

River of Words…

“It is such a secret place, the land of tears.” 

~ Antoine de Saint-Exupery, The Little Prince ~



Suppressed temptation…


Dream of loves sweet embrace…

Yet again…slowly rushing…

Peace, joy, happiness…

Sublime impatience…

Remember…No…don’t remember…

Create new pieces…a new journey to adventure…


All that I was is added to all I will become…

The path I fear to tread…

Fear, pain, agony…new pieces…

Now I know…

Now I can add those to the past puzzle…

Tears falling…

Creating the new river…

Ready to be swept away…

Letting go…

My sadness makes you immortal…

Reflections in my eyes of who I was…

Morphing into….

Who I will become…


Copyright © 2012 Christina Brownlee


“Tears are words that need to be written” ~ Paulo Coelho


Faux People…broken promises…strong is a lie…I had to…you gave me no choice…

It WAS survival of the fittest…

You promised so many things…

then changed your mind when it didn’t conform to your expectations anymore.

You said you had to…

You used to be so intimidating to me…but now you are so very small…

Small in the worst way, small of heart.

You can’t see because you’re afraid of what you will find if you look with knowing eyes…

He would be so very sad, disappointed, shocked –

mostly very very very mad, angry, outraged at your behavior…

If you think you knew him better you’re wrong.

Don’t be surprised that you’re now alone…

If you were compassionate, understanding, empathetic

and looking to others best interest instead of your own…

you would be surrounded with love and support right now.

Are you?

Stop thinking you’re ALWAYS right.

Stop acting like you’re the victims.

You’re not.

We are…not because of who made the mistake that took him from us…

but because of your actions, lies and broken promises.

I can almost forgive that irresponsible person…

I cannot forgive your intentional cruelty that robbed us

of so much more than you’ll ever know.

It is because you won’t look with the intent to actually see…

that you are alone.

I thought it was me who was the facade…

acting strong when I had no other choice but to be…

I was wrong…

It is you who is the facade…

You, Me, & He…

You and Me…

Love, Passion, Laughter, Singing, Dancing, Joy,

Drawing ever closer…

Too close…

You became the other half of Me…

Time Passes…

Older, more experienced, more love, laughter, joy, singing, dancing…

Time Passes…

Now it’s You, Me…and He…

Having fun, laughing, making music, good times

Time passes….

You left Me….even if it wasn’t your choice…

Shattered Bliss…


People came “To be there for Me”…

He came to stay…

Time passes…

Life intrudes…

People move on…

Forgotten are the tears, heartbreak, emptiness, struggle,

the insanity of unnecessary sadness purposely inflicted at

the deepest darkest point…

Fight, fight, FIGHT…

Time passes…

He stayed…

He listened…

He helped…

He didn’t leave…

It was You, Me, & He…

Time passed….

Now it’s Me & He…


This, my first ever poem…ever, is dedicated to my best friend

who was always there, never left…and continues to be a source of

strength & laughter in my life!


I would like to say that this is just one thank you…there are still those in my life who have and continue to make a huge difference…you know who you are!


I would also like to thank my new friends and followers here

 for encouraging me to keep expanding how I share my journey

 in this new world I’m in.


For the Backstory if you don’t already know click here —> Backstory

Copyright © 2012 Christina Brownlee   ~   Picture courtesy of Google Images