Lost, Yet Found…

In the ethereal dance of existence, whispers of dreams linger…

A symphony of desires, adorned with the gossamer threads of possibility…

Each heartbeat, a note in the melody of yearning, echoing through the corridors of time…

The soul, a wandering minstrel, serenades the cosmos with the ballad of aspirations…

Amidst the constellations of hopes, the heart flutters, a delicate butterfly in the vast expanse of the unknown…

And in the twilight of contemplation, we find ourselves lost, yet found, in the cadence of our deepest longings…

΅〜 ೋღ  ღೋ     〜΅

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4 thoughts on “Lost, Yet Found…

  1. Wow. It always makes me wonder how you manage to make words tango together to create a dance of eloquence. Another fantastic piece. I love your poetry, it makes my heart sing with exhilaration.

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