Anatomy Of Envy…

΅〜 ೋღ    ღೋ      〜΅


΅〜 ೋღ ღೋ      〜΅

Duplicitous people… Ego reigns supreme…
Faceless anonymity…
Blending into the crowd…
 Envy ever-present in each shadow…

Pretense of Virtue…

΅〜 〜΅ 

Infected thoughts permeate reason…

Drive inconsistent action….

Feed self-doubt…

Façade’s creation from distorted understanding…

΅〜 〜΅ 

It is not self one now projects….

It is another…

Envy morphs into emotional despair…

Feeds on itself until nothing but Ego remain…

Ego cares not for others…

It is self-driven…self-fulfilling…

΅〜 〜΅ 

One cure will abolish it…


For all one has…

For all one is….

΅∼ ೋღ  ღೋ      ∼΅

No one can be you…

 No one can be me… 

For we are each…



  ΅~ ೋ ೋ ~΅

΅〜 ೋღ  Christina~ ღೋ     〜΅

Photo Courtesy ~ blackeri deviantart

Chosen Ignorance…


Sometimes it’s too hard…
This battle fought within the mind…
It is an illusion to think you can’t handle it…
A luxury you can’t afford…
Just because you choose not to see.
Doesn’t make it less real…
Doesn’t make it right…
Hiding the minds eye from the truth won’t make it go away…
Everyone has hard choices to make..
At some point you have to realize what lies before your eyes…
You hid for far too long thinking it couldn’t happen to you…
Thinking it was for the best…
Ignoring of the casualties of cruelty..
Choosing the perceived stronger side…
Believing the lie…while the truth stared at you waiting to be recognized…
Knowing in your heart it was wrong..
Too far from your reality…
Now it’s coming closer to you…
Truth is impatient…
It will be seen…it must…
You can no longer hide behind your chosen ignorance…


Copyright © 2012 Christina Brownlee