Phantoms of Nostalgia…

΅〜 ೋღ ღೋ     〜΅

133ed0e29ae0e9f74e52eb1b578c9741 by LadyUndone Deviantart

΅〜 ೋღ ღೋ     〜΅

Seasonal daydreams…
Inducement of contemplation…
Crystal clarity colors perfection…

September dissipates summertime sadness…
Lost in Autumn’s haze…
Interminable wait…
October’s promise…
Precursor to winter’s wrap…
Undertones of unknown fill the space between…

Hope meets Dream…
Their collision sparks ignition…
November’s epiphany waits impatiently…
Mists of enchantment permeate dreams… filling them with potentialities…

Theoretical assumptions…
Phantoms of Nostalgia…
The quintessential question remains anonymous…
Silently demanding detours…

December hints evocatively at New Year’s renewal…
Presumptive lugubrious thoughts…
Induce Thought’s labyrinth…
Ignoring ignorance…

Dreams sustain impetuous assumption…
Answers lie cloaked in enigmatic disguise…
Leaving never-ending questions where the Shadows of Temerity roam…

΅〜 ೋღ ღೋ     〜΅
This is the season yearning…
For illumination…

΅〜 ೋღ ღೋ     〜΅

Christina signature old script

Gorgeous photo by LadyUndone Deviantart ~