Diaphanous Dreamscape….

girl white rose

΅∼  ೋღღೋ      ∼΅

I look back trying to find illumination…
Seeking my inspiration…
Pivotal points of perception…
I search for my words…
They’ve left me in the desert of my reality…

΅∼ ∼΅ 

Transport me to my dreamscape…
Let me reside there…
Where words float around me like butterflies of serenity…
Whispering promises of peace…
A balm to soothe my soul…
My self expression…needing release…aching for it…

΅∼ ∼΅ 

I search the depths of my heart…
I see the tears…
The sadness…
The scars I choose to wear inside…
Remembrance of days gone…memories packed away…

΅∼ ∼΅ 

I see with hindsight a succession of happenings…
I see the struggle…
The very battle for my sanity ~ end with the discovery of my voice…
My words…
Each little nuance distinctively mine…

΅∼ ∼΅ 

I see pieces of me creating my sanctuary…
My oasis built from the words woven in my mind…
All ways there waiting for me….
A bouquet of thought…

΅∼ ∼΅ 

 This is my diaphanous dreamscape…
A reflection of me…
My creation…
Born from the ashes of my former life…
Now the foundation on which I rebuild….

΅〜  ೋ  ೋ 〜΅

     ΅〜 ೋ  Christina〜  ೋ 〜΅

Melody of Silence…

΅〜  ೋ  ೋ 〜΅

Reflections of silence resonate…
Dissonant deliberation…
Among the ethereal scintilla…
Echoes speak in deafening taciturnity…
Melody of Silence…

 ΅〜 ೋღ ❁ ღೋ      〜΅

Through the maze of countless corridors…
Myriad of memories…
A forest of dreams…of hopes…
Therein lies my hidden sanctuary…
Awaiting its incendiary denouement…

΅〜 ೋღ ❁ ღೋ      〜΅

Ephemeral illumination…
Fragments of time reminisce…
Whispering in the familiar shadows…

΅〜  ೋ ೋ 〜΅

     ΅〜 ೋ  Christina〜  ೋ 〜΅

The Place You Cannot Go…

Night_Dwellers_by_emptyidentityentity deviantart

The place you cannot go….

It is buried deep within….

Safely hidden from all external forces….

It is where my heart resides locked up tight….

΅〜 〜΅ 

I think of it often….

When hurtful words, actions, and circumstance permeate me….

Irregardless of their intent….they hurt….more than I can endure….

Inducing remembrance of why I wear my façade….

΅〜 〜΅ 

As my soul sinks deeper within its faux protection…

There can be no hurt, no pain, no disenchantment….

Impenetrable, as only I hold the key….

΅〜 〜΅

If I let you in, where you would wish to be….

The internal torment becomes unbearable with any action contrary to that which you wish to project….

Speak to me of love….whisper words of comfort…seek my trust….

All for not….for I will not let you in…

To potentially risk that which I have struggled…fought…

conquered with sheer determination….

The inception for this place of protection….

΅〜 ೋღ ღೋ     〜΅

All I am….

The sanctuary of my essence….

Subsumed in the place you cannot go….


΅〜 ೋღ ღೋ     〜΅

       ΅〜 ೋ  Christina〜  ೋ 〜΅

Image by Night_Dwellers_by_emptyidentityentity deviantart

Melody of Silence…

΅〜  ೋ ೋ 〜΅

Reflections of silence resonate…
Dissonant deliberation…
Among the ethereal scintilla…
Echoes speak in deafening taciturnity…
Melody of Silence…

  ΅〜 〜΅ 

Through the maze of countless corridors…
Myriad of memories…
A forest of dreams…of hopes…
Therein lies my hidden sanctuary…
Awaiting its incendiary denouement…

΅〜 〜΅ 

Ephemeral illumination…
Fragments of time reminisce…
Whispering in the familiar shadows…

΅〜  ೋ ೋ 〜΅

     ΅〜 ೋ  Christina〜  ೋ 〜΅

Diaphanous Dreamscape….

΅∼ ೋღ ღೋ      ∼΅

girl white rose

΅∼  ೋღღೋ      ∼΅

I look back trying to find illumination…
Seeking my inspiration…
Pivotal points of perception…
I search for my words…
They’ve left me in the desert of my reality…

΅∼ ∼΅ 

Transport me to my dreamscape…
Let me reside there…
Where words float around me like butterflies of serenity…
Whispering promises of peace…
A balm to soothe my soul…
My self expression…needing release…aching for it…

΅∼ ∼΅ 

I search the depths of my heart…
I see the tears…
The sadness…
The scars I choose to wear inside…
Remembrance of days gone…memories packed away…

΅∼ ∼΅ 

I see with hindsight a succession of happenings…
I see the struggle…
The very battle for my sanity ~ end with the discovery of my voice…
My words…
Each little nuance distinctively mine…

΅∼ ∼΅ 

I see pieces of me creating my sanctuary…
My oasis built from the words woven in my mind…
All ways there waiting for me….
A bouquet of thought…

΅∼ ∼΅ 

 This is my diaphanous dreamscape…
A reflection of me…
My creation…
Born from the ashes of my former life…
Now the foundation on which I rebuild….

΅  ೋღღೋ      ΅

   ΅∼  ೋღ Christina~ ღೋ      ∼΅ 


“Dreams are illustrations…from the book your soul is writing about you.”

~ Marsha Norman ~

I know I usually post quotes…today though I’m taking a trip off that path to share something with so much meaning it actually hurts and simultaneously epitomizes me and where I’m at…

The music is beautiful and the visuals outstanding. I hope you take a few minutes and watch this…please and thank you.

Christina ~

(I posted lyrics below)



Wonk uoy naht noitceffa erom deen i (I need more affection than you know)
In you and I,

There’s a new land

Angels in flight

Wonk uoy naht noitceffa erom deen i (I need more affection than you know)

My sanctuary, my sanctuary,

Yeah where fears and lies melt away

Music in time

Wonk uoy naht noitceffa erom deen i (I need more affection than you know)

What’s left of me, what’s left of me, now
I watched you fast asleep

All I fear means nothing
In you and I, there’s a new land

Angels in flight

Wonk uoy naht noitceffa erom deen i (I need more affection than you know)

My sanctuary, my sanctuary,

Yeah where fears and lies melt away

Music in time

Wonk uoy naht noitceffa erom deen i (I need more affection than you know)

What’s left of me, what’s left of me
snwod dna spu ynam os (so many ups and downs)

My heart’s a battle ground snoitome eurt deen i (I need true emotions)

Wonk uoy naht noitceffa erom deen i (I need more affection than you know)

Snoitome eurt deen i (I need true emotions)
You show me how to see that nothing is whole and nothing is broken
In you and I, there’s a new land

Angels in flight

Wonk uoy naht noitceffa erom deen i (I need more affection than you know)

My sanctuary, my sanctuary,

Yeah where fears and lies

Melt away

Music in time

Wonk uoy naht noitceffa erom deen i (I need more affection than you know)

What’s left of me, what’s left of me, now
My fears, my lies,
Melt away
Wonk uoy naht noitceffa erom deen i (I need more affection than you know)