The Place You Cannot Go…

Night_Dwellers_by_emptyidentityentity deviantart

The place you cannot go….

It is buried deep within….

Safely hidden from all external forces….

It is where my heart resides locked up tight….

΅〜 〜΅ 

I think of it often….

When hurtful words, actions, and circumstance permeate me….

Irregardless of their intent….they hurt….more than I can endure….

Inducing remembrance of why I wear my façade….

΅〜 〜΅ 

As my soul sinks deeper within its faux protection…

There can be no hurt, no pain, no disenchantment….

Impenetrable, as only I hold the key….

΅〜 〜΅

If I let you in, where you would wish to be….

The internal torment becomes unbearable with any action contrary to that which you wish to project….

Speak to me of love….whisper words of comfort…seek my trust….

All for not….for I will not let you in…

To potentially risk that which I have struggled…fought…

conquered with sheer determination….

The inception for this place of protection….

΅〜 ೋღ ღೋ     〜΅

All I am….

The sanctuary of my essence….

Subsumed in the place you cannot go….


΅〜 ೋღ ღೋ     〜΅

       ΅〜 ೋ  Christina〜  ೋ 〜΅

Image by Night_Dwellers_by_emptyidentityentity deviantart

52 thoughts on “The Place You Cannot Go…

  1. What a stunning piece of poetry. There’s a word I am trying to think of. One that starts with “ex”. Exemplary – I think that’s it .. no – Exceptional.

    The way you describe this is tremendous. I really have no words to describe it. Brilliant


  2. Beautiful (and I am really not a fan of poetry) 🙂 However I do like yours. I will tuck away ‘subsumed’ to be used at a later date 😉



    • I’m so happy this you liked this poem! Also, that I could share a word….I do so love to share words! Thank you so much JC for sharing your thoughts…I do treasure them always… hugs and blessings sweet friend ~


  3. What words would I use to describe this masterful piece Christina, captivatingly wonderful, so soothingly gorgeous, or simply breathtaking, no matter…as your words always touch deeply all that we are as readers of your poetry. Always a delight to embrace and be embraced by your words….have a wonderful Sunday. Hugs and blessings my sister!


    • Oh Wendell….it is a true honor…to have my words described as you have so very beautifully. Humbling and beyond cherished dear brother!!! Thank you ever so much for sharing your thoughts and your praise. I am smiling and happy you enjoyed this piece!! Sending hugs and wishes to you also for a Sunday full of blessings and happiness! ~


  4. It takes a hell of a lot to give someone that key, I still haven’t had the guts to do so… I love this poem Christina…x


    • Indeed it does Chris! I think one day…you will and you won’t have any regrets for doing so! I am over the moon happy that you loved this poem….truly. Thank you so so much. Hugs sweet friend! x


  5. This gift of words you have Christina allows you to express those feelings so many of us have that we cannot put into form. This is why your work resonates with so many and why you must really at some point have your poetry published. Hope all is well my friend.


    • Thank you ever so much LuAnn! You always encourage me so so much! It is an honor to be able to write something that resonates with others. Truly…the highest honor.

      I would love to publish someday….with such amazing friends encouraging me…how could I not?! Just have to find time…or make time…or something in between lol. I am well…thank you sweet friend!! Trying to regain balance in all the things that need doing….then will be better than well! 😉 Sending all my Love, Hugs and Blessings! ~


  6. You are brave soul … thank you for writing this … beautiful … been there, done that … am there right now … Love, cat.


    • Thank you so much Cat, hmmm me brave. I wouldn’t say that….but I am so thrilled this one resonated with you! I do try to express things….that are difficult to express. I hope you find peace in your present situation. Hugs sweet friend!


  7. Blimey when you write, you do go to the core of some deep places. This comment may (does) seem sadly lacking but the intensity with which you write and what you write has left me – for once – speechless to even begin to know quite how to state how much I love and feel this. #BlownAway


    • I am well pleased you loved this! I suppose I just follow the words and their whims…which can be an interesting and sometimes frustrating journey to say the least. I admit my surprise that this could render you speechless…most definitely.


  8. Beautiful and mysterious as always my dear friend! Baby steps to open the heart slowly, get a feel before we let the wrong ones trespass. xo


  9. ‘Sanctuary of my essence’….truly, I know that sanctuary well in my own life….Amazing because it has taken me years to figure it out, and I believe I am only just beginning. Beautifully penned as always, Christina.


    • Thank you so very very much Skye! I am happy you enjoyed this. I believe we all have that sanctuary….beginning is forward movement and I think forward is always the best way to go! 😉 I wish you the happiest week and beyond sweet friend!


  10. Dear Precautionary and Preservative Poet, I know where you’re at and you tell it well – but that won’t get you laid etc. so write a poem about the flipside just to hear how it sounds…


    • My Dear Salacious Sir….I do so appreciate your thoughts on matters of a more lascivious nature. I assure you…with the very best of my ability to do so…that if that were indeed my intent….I would be…offline.


  11. Oh the key…I hold it dearly.
    The only copy that I have has a few dents. But – still works. 🙂
    #HappyNewWeek #♥ #Blessings #Smiles #FantabulousYOU


    • Oh yes….hold tight!! You have it right though….to share and yet keep the key is the tricky balancing act!!! Most definitely! You’re incredible and all ways bring me smiles! #HappyNewWeek #Smiles #AwesomazingYOU #❤s #UrAmazing #HugsNLove


  12. Hi Christina 😀

    So true and so relevant to everyone who feels the same way. Your way of expression is brilliant. Love it !!

    I think what you mean is this:
    At birth you are given a beautiful treasure chest full of wondrous items such as love, kindness, happiness, joy etc. The chest is locked and the key is left inside. At some point in the Path of Life you realise that you have that wondrous treasure chest and that treasure chest is YOU, and you have been holding the key all the time. The chest is battered but strong and still holds those wonderful items which only those with a similar chest can see and are allowed in.

    Big hug. Ralph xox 😀


    • Thank you so so very much dear friend!! Your praise means more than I can express.Truly. Yes….just yes! That is exactly what I mean!! Your brilliant insight to this poem is truly spot on….yet I am not surprised for you are so amazing and beyond awesome! Big hugs and love to you!! 🙂 xox


      • *blushing* Oooh, you do have a way with words to make a man go weak at the knees 😉

        Happy Valentine’s day my friend. I do hope you have a day of love and wonder. Ralph xxxoooxxx

        If not, pop over to my blog and I’ll take you out in one of the 2 massive posts I am at the moment writing. 😀 Hugs xox


        • Hehe you! You’re awesome and always bring me a giggle! Ooooo a Valentine’s Day post from you?!? I shall indeed stop by soonest…though time vexes me with all of its intricacies and such like….so is it Friday for you already? I live in a world of words, which is why time eludes me haha 😉 Thank you so very much for the wishes of love and wonder! Sending you love and hugs and wishes for a wonderful Valentine’s Day and weekend after!! Happy Hugs! xoxoxoxo 🙂


          • I really cannot imagine the world of words you live in. Is it a bit like The Never Ending Story ?
            Oh yes, I have a post just for you. Our Day Of Love. Oh yes, it’s us 😉 hehe
            Have a fabulous day.
            Wow. Lots of kisses !! Gone weak at the knees again 😉
            Love them. xoxoxoxox


            • LOL Yes….I suppose it is rather like The Never Ending Story!! Hehe Our Day of Love…you are a flirt and I adore you! 😉 You say the bestest things and always bring me smiles!!! Watch out…more hugs and kisses coming at ya… xoxoxoxo


  13. this singular, safe place you so eloquently write about here, i know all too well.
    it is my default place, my shelter from an inhospitable and cruel world, a place
    to go and mend the wounds and recover, remember and eventually remind myself
    that the world will be as beautiful as i decide to see it, the key is in our hearts. peace.


    • I am truly happy this one resonated with you. Yes indeed, you have described exactly what I wished to convey! I do believe in balance in all things….most especially in matters of the heart. To be open…yet protected, as much as one can be anyway. Thank you ever so much for sharing your thoughts…they are so very cherished!


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