Desires Dichotomy….


waiting under tree girl


There was always desire…
A rare connection…
I could feel it when our eyes would meet
Then we had would look away… Unable to hold the intensity of it…
Did you feel it too?
Confusion in desire’s illumination…
You will never know me the way I’ve dreamed of…
I will never be yours…
You will never be mine…
Whether you dreamed of me will remain a mystery…
Now it is too late…
I hope you understand…
I cannot wait any longer…
I waited…but you were never mine…
You know we’re headed separate ways..
We’ll always have one thing…
Desire’s dichotomy…


christina signature b&w


Copyright © Christina Brownlee 2013

27 thoughts on “Desires Dichotomy….

  1. Another magnificent piece there Christina. So sadly wonderful. Or wonderfully sad. You show, with each new piece, how you are truly a wordsmith. I am so glad I found your blog back in August and have had the pleasure of watching you grow,

    There is so much more I could say about this piece. I could read it endlessly. Definitely one of your best pieces.


    • Alastair…thank you very very much sweet friend! I am so happy you liked this piece 🙂 It is been an honor for me to know you these many months and also to watch you grow as well! 🙂 Hugs!


  2. AnElephantCant praise this too highly
    Christina’s words blossom like early spring flowers
    Vibrant full of colour
    They make a rainbow seem duller
    But will tears flow like soft April showers?


    • AnElephant always has the bestest splenderific words of sweet praise!! I can assure dear friend…there shall be no tears! Only smiles 😀


  3. I loved today’s poem more it was really good. I was reading it on my phone this morning and it really resonated with me.
    Now it is too late…
    I hope you understand…
    I cannot wait any longer…
    I waited…but you were never mine…
    Great sentiment and a feeling I can definitely relate to.


    • Jonathan…I am so so very happy you enjoyed this! Seems of late I have had a kaleidoscope of words come to me in every area of emotion…it is beyond wondrous to share them here…especially with your incredble words of praise!!! Thank you!! 🙂


    • Celestine…thank you so much! 🙂 I am all ways very appreciative of your thoughts and praise!! You are so appreciated sweet friend… I promise to come by your place soonest…I have been woefully remiss in my visits! Hugs ~


  4. Haunting, longing, melancholy (said like Glenn Close). I get the feeling of hope and acceptance as well though, how you run through so many emotions in such a short space is a real talent.

    There is something so tangible about this, I believe it will resonate with all but the lucky few. You are the wordiest of wordsmiths. The pictue is wonderful too. xxx


    • I do love the word “Melancholy” haha. It is an honor to be the recipient of not only your thoughts on this piece but also your praise…for I do appreciate and value…more than I can say….your thoughtful and insightful review! You give the bestest encouragement…thank you! xxx


      • I do my utmost to keep reminding you of your talent, I must say it is easy to give a thoughtful review as you provide so many avenues for me/us to wander down. Of course you get extra points for sending me the sneak previews of course…xxx


  5. Dearest beloved Christina –ahh- isn’t there always dichotomy in desire? 🙂
    I somehow missed that you have posted these last 2. Forgive my neglect. It is such a joy to come and read your poetry. You have amazing talent to scoop the reader up in your loving arms, and share your most sensitive thoughts and feelings, and fantasies. I always appreciate your art. Sending lots of hugs and love ~ Robyn


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