Fade To Black…

΅∼  ೋღ ღೋ      ∼΅

fade to black rain

΅∼  ೋღ ღೋ      ∼΅

Tell me…

Tell me I’ll break free from the machinations of melancholy…

Tell me the sun will shine in my heart…my soul once again…

That it will illuminate me from within radiating ever outward…

΅〜 〜΅

Tell me my beloved words will return…

The wait is interminable…

Tumultuous thoughts scream in the quiescence their departure evoked…

Emotions evanesce unable to speak…to be heard…

Locked up…

Trapped inside…

΅〜 〜΅

Memory’s echo or faint images of dream…

I can no longer differentiate…

΅〜 〜΅

They long to leave me whilst simultaneously etching themselves

in my soul awaiting their departure…

΅〜 〜΅

Yet my voice is trapped within…

Without words it is powerless…

΅〜 〜΅

Deafening silence overwhelms…

In solitary desperation my soul softly whispers…

΅〜 〜΅

Be still…


΅ ೋღ ღೋ      ΅    

For it is not disconcertion of spirit that will elicit their return…

Rather…it is in the still of night…

When you allow all of your worries…

To fade to black…


΅ ೋღ  ღೋ      ΅

 ΅〜 ೋღ  Christina~  ღೋ      〜΅