Tapestry of Tenacity…

In the tapestry of tenacity, where dreams are woven with threads of determination, we find ourselves entangled in the intricate dance of life’s challenges…

Each obstacle, a stepping stone; each setback, a lesson. We press on, despite the storms that threaten to extinguish our inner flame.

Through the darkest nights of doubt and the harshest winters of despair, our spirit persists, for it knows no other way. We become architects of our destiny, sculpting it from the raw material of effort and resilience…

In the end, when we stand atop the mountain we once thought insurmountable, we gaze out at the horizon with a profound understanding.

The view is not just of our destination but of the journey itself, a testament to the beauty of relentless resolve, and the realization that the sweetest fruits of victory are plucked from the tree of unwavering perseverance…

΅〜  ೋღ  ♥  ღೋ 〜΅

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Pondering Perplexities…

Have I mentioned I’m writing a new book? A novel. I haven’t? Well, I am. I’m about 80k words into it so far, nearing the homestretch of being done with the first draft. I’m excited for that moment!

Life has kept me hostage of late, so I’ve been posting less and working more. Less time to write here or work on my book. Writing, to me, is the ultimate bliss. When sometimes the words just flow so beautifully, as though they know they were meant to be. Of course, it’s not always like that. But when it is? It feels like bliss.

This little segue post is just to share that I’m still here, though posting less frequently than I had been. And, of course, to share my happy milestone with my new work in progress.

Talk to me, what are you working on?

΅〜  ೋ ♥ ೋ 〜΅

Evocative Expression…


In a world of muted hues and monochrome narratives…

inspiration burst forth like a kaleidoscope of vibrant colors, an explosion of creativity against the backdrop of conformity…

The brushstrokes of imagination danced across the canvas of possibility, splashing hues of passion, courage, and boundless dreams…

A consonance of ideas harmonized in perfect synchrony… painting the tapestry of inspiration with strokes of evocative expression…

And amidst the black and white…

a resplendent palette emerged…

inviting hearts to dream… minds to explore… and souls to soar…


΅〜  ೋ ♥ ೋ 〜΅



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Whispered Dreams…


In the realm of solitude… memories whisper… silence echoes… solace found.

Fragments of life scatter like stardust…

woven upon the tapestry of existence…

moments etched upon my soul.

Echoes of laughter and tears in a tender breeze…

harmony of joy and sorrow resounds through the corridors of time…

Twilight reveals secrets…

night sky conceals mysteries…

observer of enigmatic dance… beyond eternity’s grasp.

Yearning to capture the ineffable… essence of fleeting bliss… held close to trembling heart… beauty lies in impermanence…

Embracing the ever-changing tides… surrendering to the dance of shadows and light…

sanctuary found in whispered dreams… delicate balance of ephemeral presence…



΅〜  ೋ ♥ ೋ 〜΅



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Edge of Peripheral…


I can almost see you…

I know I don’t know you…

Simultaneously, I know everything about you…


You are in my dreams…

In my thoughts…

We meet there occasionally…


There is the known and unknown…

That magical seductive dance that ignites my imagination…



There you are…

Waiting for me…

On the edge of peripheral…


΅〜 ೋღ  ღೋ     〜΅


If you would like me to read this to you…


Souls’ touch three times…
Once in acquaintance…
Twice in the furtherance of knowing…
Thrice in embrace…
Either for the goodbye…
Or for the staying…
That interchange of me and you, adding, reshaping us both in ways hitherto unknown.
The Soul’s language is pure emotion. Our thoughts evoke said emotion…
our words ignite them like match to flame.
In good ways…bad ways…all ways in between.
I will always carry a piece of you, and you of me.
The length and breadth of our entirety.
How much of each of us we give or take, isn’t fully up to our proportionate desire…
it goes deeper than that.
In some cases, I am so grateful for this interchange. And sometimes…
I wish to have the piece of me back for it was given to a poor steward.
Time’s alchemy reigns supreme and soon enough I will be carried forth on its waves to new shores…new experiences. New embraces.

΅〜  ೋღ ♥ ღೋ 〜΅

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Transcendence via paper and ink …
         New dreams ignited by old dreams…
       An Amalgam Transmutes…
  Twisting branches of thought, in, around, reaching to the glitter of stardust.
Infusing their magic within each new growth…
      Day after night after day…
          Not a Wishing Tree…
                  A Dreaming Tree full of the blossoms of potent portent…
    Birthed, faded, reborn…waiting…
       Endlessly waiting…
          For Eternity…
                            For Enchantment…
                 For me…
                      .      ~
΅〜  ೋღ ღೋ 〜΅
Image by Eddie Calz
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One Night…

΅〜 ೋღ ❁ ღೋ     〜΅


Lying under the blanket of night…
Stars sparkle their way through the black backdrop…
Creating illusions of images to please each soul…

Waiting for a star to fall…
Waiting to wish my secret wish…
I stare intently…hoping…
They are oblivious of me and my desirous intention…

Still I watch…
Still I wait…

Longing for that one fleeting moment…
They continue their twinkling show…

Still I wait…
Still I watch…

Your playground…
My wishing place…


΅〜 ೋღ ❁ ღೋ     〜΅

If you would like me to read this to you… ~

Behind the scenes…


A different sort of entry. Just an update really. I do have some audios and pieces to share with you. However, this week I’ve been most busy finalizing all the details to do with giving both my ebook and paperback book interior and exterior makeovers.

It’s not as easy as it sounds! To anyone who’s self-published before, I know you know what I mean!

This is just a short little note to say I’m here, just working on some good stuff for you. Stay tuned!

Smile today,
Christina ~

Consume Me…


΅〜 ೋღ ❁ ღೋ     〜΅ 

It would be so easy to open myself to your love…

To fall fast and furious…

Fiercely intense chain reaction…

Combustion inside and out…

A mere thought of you the ignition…

My longing…my loneliness…my needs…the fuel for this fire…

This exigency flame enveloping us….

Your words caress from the inside out…

Ubiquitous desire…

Fulfilling yet….

Leave me aching….needing….wanting…

More…always more…

An addiction that is what you’ve become…

΅〜 ೋღ ❁ ღೋ     〜΅ 

Whether you will enhance me or destroy me remains unknown…

It would be so easy to discover which…

If only I could open the door to my soul and let you in…

Let you consume me….


΅〜 ೋღ ❁ ღೋ     〜΅


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