Alchemical Prose…

Reconstructing Christina
.To the writers who beguile me with their prose prowess…
΅〜  ೋღ  ღೋ 〜΅
Wield your words just so…
Ignite my Intrigue…
Captivate my curiosity…
Luring my imagination to undiscovered realms…
Enchant me…
Entice my devotion…
Your alchemical prose alluding, evocative…
Pleasure or pain…
We journey to both, through both… together…
Fascinate my imagination with your literary fusion…
And I will spend my minutes with you…
For your magical words, your spell.
Do the impossible task of creating fire…in my mind, incendiary.
Introduce me to your magical working…
Evoke sensate thought, synesthesia…
Slip inside my dreams…
Conjure a mysterious world separate and apart from the mundane…
Adventure through kaleidoscopic emotions…
Powerful, strange, surreal…
Fates foretold, secrets disclosed…
Inside out, upside down, the other way round…
Dance me through your words…
Spinning… spinning… spinning….
Leave me breathless…
And then…
Evanesce…as all the best dreams do…
only able to exist within the confines of my mind,
Filtering through my thoughts, feelings, dreams, perspectives…
Affecting them…
As your locution becomes…
My alchemical prose…
΅〜  ೋღ  ღೋ 〜΅
If you would like me to read this to you…
΅〜  ೋღ  ღೋ 〜΅

21 thoughts on “Alchemical Prose…

  1. This is beautiful. As I read this, I was thinking of F Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald. The words you use, always make me smile as they are ones that I usually have to go and search the meanings for – but I am learning more and more of them.

    Your voice comes across so natural, and it has a lullaby kind of harmony to it. Since you have started reading your pieces, they have become better and betterer. It’s like it has given you a new confidence.

    Please, never stop. You write some of the best pieces I have read (and heard)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. You write so beautifully. Your poetry prowess, and spoken word magic, are both captivating and moving. Phatasmagorical poetry. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Sometimes you hope “things” will change, and your mind with them. Thanks for talking to me!


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