In A Moment…

  ΅∼ ೋღ  ღೋ      ∼΅


     ΅∼ ೋღ  ღೋ      ∼΅

       In A Moment…

     You can laugh…

      You can cry….

          You can behold the most beautiful things…

     You can have your breath taken away…

       You can experience excruciating agony…

      You can cry tears of joy…

            You can be given devastating news..

      You can smile…

      You can create unforgettable memories…

      You can fall in love…

      You can brighten someones day…

      You can give your heart away…

      You can walk away from love…

      You can break a heart…

      You can mend a heart…

       All this and more you can do in a moment…

   ΅∼ ೋღ ღೋ     ∼΅

      Cherish every moment…

       For it’s not how much time you have…

      It’s the moments you fill it with…


     ΅ ೋღ ♥ ღೋ      ΅

    ΅∼ ೋღ  Christina~  ღೋ      ∼΅

In A Moment….



In A Moment…

 You can laugh…

You can cry….

You can behold the most beautiful things…

You can have your breath taken away…

You can experience excruciating agony…

You can cry tears of joy…

You can be given devastating news..

You can smile…

You can create unforgettable memories…

You can fall in love…

You can brighten someones day…

You can give your heart away…

You can walk away from love…

You can break a heart…

You can mend a heart…

All this and more you can do in a moment…

Cherish every moment…

 For it’s not how much time you have…

It’s the moments you fill it with…



Copyright ©2012 Christina Brownlee