Whispered Dreams…


In the realm of solitude… memories whisper… silence echoes… solace found.

Fragments of life scatter like stardust…

woven upon the tapestry of existence…

moments etched upon my soul.

Echoes of laughter and tears in a tender breeze…

harmony of joy and sorrow resounds through the corridors of time…

Twilight reveals secrets…

night sky conceals mysteries…

observer of enigmatic dance… beyond eternity’s grasp.

Yearning to capture the ineffable… essence of fleeting bliss… held close to trembling heart… beauty lies in impermanence…

Embracing the ever-changing tides… surrendering to the dance of shadows and light…

sanctuary found in whispered dreams… delicate balance of ephemeral presence…



΅〜  ೋ ♥ ೋ 〜΅



If you would like me to read this to you…

2 thoughts on “Whispered Dreams…

  1. Beautiful. Both the writing and the reading. Even better when you close your eyes and listen with headphones on. It’s like you are talking directly into my brain.

    I love how often you are posting now. Don’t stop. You have found your stride again.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you ever so much!! 😁 I enjoy reading them, so hearing others like it too makes me smile super happy! 😁

      I feel like I’ve come home again, and am in no hurry to leave!


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