Flirtation With Denial…

Flirting with Denial Forbidden_fruit_by_Nataly1st

΅〜 ೋღ ღೋ     〜΅

Presumptive perception…
Hypocritical hypotheses…
She never knew…
Never cared to find truth…
Too mired in bitter disappointment…
Averting ignorance…
Blatant flirtation with denial…
Feeding self-gratification’s insistent need…

΅〜 ೋღ ❁ ღೋ      〜΅
She only cared for indulgence…
Her voracious need to be desired…
No thought to its destructive aftermath…
She doesn’t mind the cost for she thinks it’s someone else’s debt…

΅〜 ೋღ ❁ ღೋ      〜΅
Duteous devotion…
Enchantment’s spell broken…
Crystalline vision…
Truth’s dichotomy revealed in Ego’s insatiable delight…

΅〜 ೋღ ❁ ღೋ      〜΅
She seeks selfish seduction…
Unknowingly denying herself what she needs most…
True love’s healing embrace…


΅〜 ೋღ  ღೋ     〜΅

    ΅〜 ೋღ  Christina ~  ೋღ 〜


Gorgeous photo by Nataly1st ~ Deviantart

57 thoughts on “Flirtation With Denial…

  1. The first time I read this, I read it completely differently with an alternate meaning.

    A very deep and dark poem. Taking the apple in Eden before it is offered.

    Wonderfully written, and the way I read it, the second time, was not dissimilar to some that I have known with their rapacious desire to mentally flagellate or castigate anyone to further their own desire for that immoral pleasure at the behest of another whilst seeing it as a given that they are, and always will be, the centre of attention and nucleus of anyone and everyone’s infatuation.


    • Thank you ever so much Alastair for sharing your thoughts initially…also how they changed upon a second reading. That does sum it up perfectly…”Taking the apple in Eden before it is offered.” Thank you again so so much for sharing your thoughts…as you know I find it ceaselessly fascinating how different people interpret words…the plethora of meanings that can be derived depending on each individual…definitely intriguing!


      • It is weird how people can interpret things differently to how you set it down. You can say, or write one thing and two readers have two different meanings to it. It can mean an internal struggle or an external one. One example is “Her bow was exquisite”. That could mean bending at the waist, or a hair ornament. You can always guarantee that your poems are thought provoking though. Thank you for sharing 🙂


        • Thank *you* for sharing your thoughts! I completely agree with you Alastair…interpretation and perception are two words I’ve been ruminating on a lot recently. I say ruminating because it seems to imply more than just ‘thinking’ which I feel is more apropos because those two aforementioned words are the crux of every relationship…be it personal, business, pleasure, name a topic…it all comes down to interpretation and perception…oh and what the individual’s life experience adds into both of those as well as the differing meanings of words which you suggested. So fascinating…what drives us humans! 🙂


          • I love that!! Your use of words always astounds me. I wish I could use them as you do. If I were to though, I think everybody would quit reading mine as it is not the style people are used to with me haha.

            You are right, interpretation and perception. Perfect 🙂


  2. Not your typical fairy tale ending – eh?
    #XOXO #LoVe #BlesSings #HappyFaces #DontEatThatApple #FantabUlousYoU


  3. This is one of those that takes a few readings… and for this foreigner (Afrikaans speaking) the looking up of a few words…. I hope that I got your intended message and if I did then … BANG another ball out the park…. but they whole rests for me on that last line… the rest? plays beautifully on my imagination…. again pure brilliance ..


    • Judging by your reaction…I’m guessing you did indeed get the intended message 😉 ! Thank you so so much sweet friend for your thoughts, your cherished praise. It does truly bring me joy that you enjoyed this as you shared. Most certainly a highlight to any day I receive your wonderful words!!


      • There is only one problem with your poetry, we don’t get new ones everyday… I might have said it before, but when I see an email telling me you have posted a poem… I’m over like a shot, sometimes even drooling in anticipation… yes I got the message… indeed. !!… it sometimes takes me a little longer than the English speaking followers you have, I need to look some words meanings up in the dictionary… but never fear I persevere till I understand the whole post…


        • You are beyond sweet to wish for more words…to look forward to them…and to share that you do has made my whole day, my whole world, so much brighter! The only thing I love more than learning new words is to share them…if I can do that then I am one very very happy girl!! 😀 !! It is truly an amazing feeling that you wish to persevere to understand them…more than I can say. I wish I could! Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts…for being so encouraging…for being you!


    • Thank you so very very much!! It is such a wondrously happy feeling to receive your amazing thoughts…that you loved this one makes it all the better!! ♥♥♥ ~


    • Thank you ever so much Ben! I would say I’m happy this one resonated with you…except for its content gives me pause to do so. That you think it a great truth, that I could impart such with my words…does truly mean so very much!! I am truly so appreciative to you for sharing your thoughts…also I wish to thank you again for reposting this ~ I so rarely get that honor.


  4. I read it twice like Al, and the impression I got was that it was written by Shakespeare in one of his first plays. If I were a publisher, I would love to release all your poems, If I were a filmmaker, I would base a movie on one of your poems, and if I were a billionaire, I would ban you from writing your poems for free… 🙂 You would write only for me! (how selfish is that! 🙂 )

    The last stanza summed it up, ”She seeks selfish seduction…
    Unknowingly denying herself what she needs most…
    True love’s healing embrace…” It was very deep Christina… Enjoy the rest of your weekend my friend!
    Love and blessings. 🙂


    • Seyi….”thank you” seems far too small to share how incredibly much your comment means to me! To be likened to the great bard himself…to share all you would do ‘if’….renders me bewildered, so immensely honored, and totally speechless and most definitely smiling for at least a month!! Such a beautiful comment that will definitely be put in my journal where I keep such beautiful gems to encourage me when I feel low. Thank you so so very hugely for sharing your amazing thoughts dear friend…there just aren’t words enough…I wish there were! ❤ ~ Thank you also for your weekend wishes 🙂 , I hope yours is amazing and all you wish it to be!! Love and Blessings ❤ ~


      • Glad to read this Christina but the truth speaks for itself. You are indeed a great poet! 🙂 Take care of yourself my friend!
        Blessings. 🙂


  5. Hi Christina 😀 Wonderful ! There is nothing like a little indulging to end the week happily. Happy indulging my friend ! 😉 Ralph xox ❤


  6. We sometimes get the ego confused with what we think we want and what we need and your expression of this tale is exquisite as always. I’m so glad to have your beautiful words back here. xo ❤


  7. I love the last line bestest, it is such a redemptive line to all that has gone on before..anybody can get words and put them on a blog but you seem to capture the precise one at the right time and place it unerringly.

    I would like to think that ‘Her voracious need to be desired…’would be satisfied as part of the true love and perhaps that would be the ultimate ending. sometimes all I can do is shake my head at how wonderful you write because it is so terrifically wonderful and all embracing that it is difficult to write about it. It hits somewhere deeper than the language centres of the brain but the true emotion bit.

    I was listening to some Sigur Ros when I read this (it’s the untitles number three on the ( ) album) and I really think they should be your backing band for when you write, I’ll give them an Alexander Graham (Bell) on your behalf.


    • Thank you ever so very much for your most generous praise, it never fails to make me happy to hear what you see in my write as you shared makes me even more so! You would be right, there isn’t much that true love couldn’t fix…in time…or so I believe. It is an exceedingly wondrous feeling to do as you shared…to evoke that emotional center. It is my highest aspiration, so to hear I could do so ignites my imagination to continually reach even further.

      I just listened to the Sigur Ros song you mentioned. I do love their unique and enigmatic music…to be thought of as paring with them makes me feel indescribably honored. I’m sure with your charm and charisma you could very well convince them of anything!


    • Thank you so very much Shirley! It was a joy to stop by yours, I very much enjoy your writing style and learning…I love to learn! Thank you so much for stopping my here as well! Sending wishes for very amazing week ahead… ~


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