Ubiquitous Unknown…

In the hushed cadence of the night, where the symphony of stars serenades the souls dreaming in the shadows…

Whispers of an ubiquitous unknown dance on the periphery, entwining with the echoes of forgotten aspirations…

In the tapestry of existence, where each thread is spun with the delicate yearning of dreams, we find solace on the fringe of peripheral…

For, in this bewitching space, dreams, like incandescent stars, refuse to be dimmed by the vastness of the unknown…

A rendezvous with the ethereal, where the heart’s desires, like lanterns in the night, illuminate the path to the sacred sanctum of dreams…

So, my fellow dreamer, fear not the dance of the unknown, for it is in the embrace of the enigmatic mysteries that the magic of your dreams unfolds…

΅〜 ೋღ  ღೋ     〜΅

If you would like me to read this to you…

Resolute Resilience


From the depths of despair… she rose, a phoenix of strength…

Her spirit ignited, blazing with the flames of resilience…

In the face of adversity, she refused to falter…

Her steps, once hesitant, now danced with purpose…

Each stumble… a stepping stone to greater heights…

Scars became badges of honor… testaments to her unyielding spirit…

No longer defined by the past, she dared to dream…

In her triumph, she inspired others to soar…

A resolute resilience, painting the world with her indomitable spirit…

With every breath… she defied the odds…

Embracing the journey of overcoming, she found her truest self…

Forever shining with the fire of possibility…



΅〜  ೋ ♥ ೋ 〜΅


If you would like me to read this to you…