
΅∼  ೋღღೋ      ∼΅ 

After a life shattering event…some time has passed and now…

This is where I write the pieces together.

    ΅∼ ೋ ೋ ∼΅ 

I am a language anarchist passionately in love with words…

Writing without rules…Without barriers

I love to weave expression of emotion into rare and exotic word combinations…

Bringing clarity to my dreams, hopes, and wishes.

This is where I reconstruct myself…

Coalescing my past, present and future into one new whole….

΅∼ ೋ ೋ ∼΅ 

This is my world built with words…where imagination flourishes…

Creating my Dreamscape…

 ΅∼ ೋ ೋ ∼΅ 


I cordially invite you to come explore with me…


΅∼ ೋღ ღೋ     ∼΅    

΅∼ ೋღ  Christina~  ღೋ      ∼΅ 

216 thoughts on “About

    • Thank you so very much Maxima!! Beautiful words from a beautiful soul….your sweet praise is even sweeter coming from one who writes so exquisitely 🙂


  1. This is the first time I came across your blog. I don’t know you, but I have been through some tough times as well and have been working on my own reconstruction project. I think I understand a little bit. Thank you for writing and sharing so much.


    • Jonathan, thank you 🙂 I think some feelings…some experiences are universal….in that we can relate to others in a similar way…whether our circumstances are the same or different. I thank you for relating to mine and wish you great success in your own reconstruction project!


  2. Thanks for your visit nice to meet you and I wish you good luck and good exploration and adventure on next Christina 🙂



  3. Christina, I love your blog site and all that you share, and wanted to thank you for always visiting mine. You are doing a wonderful job with self, and i wanted to send you a gift, you have blossom more in what you share, the way you write and the light you send our way…I nominated you for the Most Influential Blog Award 2012, congratulations, and keep on sharing and touching the deepness of all your followers! You are influencing many and it soon will be many more. sometimes you never see all of them because they might not hit the like button or leave a comment but you message gets across to many! The announcement for the award was posted yesterday at foreverpoetic.wordpress.com, God bless, and congratulations again!


    • Oh! Wendell, thank you so very much for thinking of me and my blog for this award. I am so very appreciative. I wish I had better words than “Thank You” to express my gratitude for not only the award but your amazing encouragement and generous praise! You are just a bright light in my world and for so many others…keep shining my sweet friend! Hugs & Blessings ~


  4. For every dream that one wishes upon there is a wealth of
    creativity yet to be harnessed, and I wish you well in your quest 🙂



    • Thank you so very much Andro! I love your words….”For every dream that one wishes upon there is a wealth of creativity yet to be harnessed…” Thank you for sharing your most appreciated thoughts and for your encouragement!! 🙂


  5. Hi Christina-

    I randomly came across your blog via some late-night blog surfing. I’m glad I did- your writing is very inspiring. Thanks for sharing!

    Much continued success!


  6. I enjoyed your comments very much when you came to visit me this morning. Reading your poem and this lovely page about yourself, is a rewarding experience. I wish for you peace and inspiration!
    Writing is many things, and from one anarchist to another, the freedom of the soul to fly is very important in our life’s venture. Words are what gives us strength or can cause us terrible pain. It is we who choose which it will be, usually. I choose happy words, in an unhappy world, so that my passing will give a smile, usually. 😉
    Have fun and thanks for passing by!


    • Bastet…thank you so very much for visiting!! I’m very happy to have “met” you and look forward to the journey with you… I love that you are a self-admitted anarchist as well lol! 😉

      Agreed… words are far more powerful than most give them credit for…and I do love that you intentionally choose happy words in an unhappy world…that’s what we all (globally) *need* more of!! Thank you so much for your well wishes and I will the same for you!

      I hope your weekend is a happy and blessed one! 🙂 ~


  7. Christina, you follow my regular blog, but I’ve created an anon blog at mrmodigliani.wordpress.com. I did those so I could express myself more freely. You are an interesting women with a strong romantic and sensual side, so I’m inviting you.


  8. Dear Christina,

    Thank you for visiting my blog…I look forward to following your writing and healing. The beauty of the blog is you attract like minded people…on similar journeys…you are never alone. I too experienced a life shattering event that was beyond my comprehension…it took me many years to deal with it…but like you I am metamorphing in the spirit I am intended to be. Thank you for being authentic and true to you….Namaste, mary


    • You have a beautiful blog Mary! I am happy to have found you! I totally agree with the beauty of blogs and finding like minded people. I have been so blessed to have “met” so many around the world who are on their own journeys in this life…some good…some bad…and some just downright heartrending!

      I am sorry you can relate in the life shattering department…and very happy that you are also putting all the pieces together again! I know things are placed in our lives to shape us into who He wants us to be.

      Yes…we are never alone!! The more friends Ï am blessed to meet here…the more true that is! Thank you, too, for being authentic…for being uniquely you!! It is an honor and a blessing to share this journey with you! 🙂


      • What beautiful words to say, You touched my heart with your Love…I thank you, reading you comments has filled me with great joy….a Divine way to start my day. Namaste, Mary


        • Thank you so much Mary…you’ve given me a sweet gift my this morning!! I am truly blessed to know my words could evoke such a wonderful feeling! Again, thank you so much for sharing your sweet thoughts! Blessings ~


    • Thank you so much! It’s my honor to follow your journey via words. I am sincerely appreciative of your encouragement to keep writing! 🙂


  9. “Bringing clarity to my dreams, hopes, and wishes”. Awesome. Clarity is one of my favorite words. I use it often. Perhaps too often. But clarity of the mind is something that I chase, and writing helps me tremendously. Anyway, after looking around a bit, I am truly inspired by your words. Thank you for the follow and you can be sure I will return often to look into the past, while I am certain to enjoy your new posts as well.
    Keep Inspiring


    • Thank you so very much for your very kind words…thinking mine inspiring!! I am more than very appreciative… simultaneously happy to have ‘met’ you! I’m looking forward to seeing you here as well as visiting yours. Stay awesome!


  10. Christina, your soulful and lush is like perfectly designed garden, layer upon layer of details and color and continual interest that fuels the imagination and curiosity. just lovely word play within each poem. i thought i’d visit a bit to finally thank you for following my poetry, encouragement is always really appreciated.

    peace and have a wonderful day!


    • Thank you so very much! Not only for stopping by but also for your incredibly appreciated comment…which reads like beautiful prose in and of itself! I am truly honored by your amazing description of my poems. You’ve made my whole day…nay….week…with your very awesome and generous thoughts!! Peace to you my good sir….and wishes for a wonderful weekend as well!!


  11. Just happened to run into your blog. You have got a beautiful space running here. Loved some of your write-ups. Its very subtle. I guess I will be hanging around here a lot. :)Great work


    • Thank you so very much Prasad! I’m happy you enjoyed your time here in my little piece of the cosmos. I will look forward to checking out yours as well! 🙂


    • Thank you so very much cat!! I am happy you’ve stopped by and shared your thoughts!

      The beginning of this year has me busier than I wish to be…hope to visit soon and also that you have had a very Happy New Year!!


  12. Do I need to buckle my seat belts for this ride? 😉
    Just kidding. I applaud you for reconstructing pieces of yourself be it through weaving words or living your life to the fullest. May your journey bring you much fulfillement, joy and meaning.


    • LOL I feel that way sometimes! While I can assure your safe passage here….I am on a mission to hopefully make people ponder…think….and ruminate a bit as well! 😉

      Thank you so much for your awesome sweet wishes….I send the same to you! I am well happy to have you on this journey….and to accompany you on yours. I hope your week is a good and happy one… ~


    • You’re so very awesome sweet to share such an amazingly cherished praise dear friend!! I am smiling whilst typing and sending you wishes for a very very happy weekend!!! 🙂 xxxx


  13. I would recognise you on the street mainly because of your words. Words have power, they live forever in the heart of people, it shapes them. I’m sure you would find peace through your words my friend! I’m so glad I met you!!
    Blessings. 🙂


    • Seyi, you are absolutely correct in that words have been so very healing for me, more than I could dream of expressing. It is the greatest compliment in the whole world, for me, to be recognizable by my words…truly you have made my whole day….week…month! I am quite certain I shall be smiling for some time to come! 🙂

      I am so very happy we have met as well!! I do cherish your thoughts and your amazing writing as well! Blessings sweet friend! 🙂


  14. Thank you for following my blog! I love the thoughtful intensity of your words. I’ll definitely be coming by to read more.


    • I’m happy to have joined your journey! Thank you ever so much for stopping by and sharing such wonderful words. I’m very much looking forward to meeting up again at yours or mine… 🙂


    • I am terribly late in replying…been away for a long time, a very long time. I had to tend to some life things. But I’m back now and you’re most awesome to stop by and say hello! Thank you…for thinking of me. I hope all is well with you? (Please say yes)

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