Petrichor and Promise…

If I could have, I would have bottled that rain. The rain we were in when last I saw you…

You stopped me as we were running for shelter from that sudden spring rain… it was full of petrichor and promise. The most beautiful spring of my life.

As we were walking home after our night of celebration, our anniversary.  You stopped and just looked at me. Water streaming down both of our faces blurring my vision of you. Our eyes drinking in the other…pulling me right up next to you with one hand and the other on my face.
You said, “I can’t promise to love you for the rest of your life, but I promise to love you for the rest of mine.”

Then you kissed me. In that moment, I became yours again, as I did every single time our eyes met.

As we pulled apart, it was as though one raindrop out of so unimaginably many slowed time as it caressed its way down your cheek, your jaw. I didn’t look away until its journey had ended.


     That was the first time I wished I could have bottled that rain, but it wasn’t the last. I’ve wished for that more times than the immeasurable rainfall.


(5.14.10 ~ my sadness, makes you immortal)

΅〜  ೋღ  ღೋ 〜΅


If you would like me to read this to you…

11 thoughts on “Petrichor and Promise…

  1. This gave me tears. Holy dust bunnies it was amazing. Reading this, and knowing what was coming – so to speak – makes you think “no, don’t let go of him” But it’s like the moment when you want to change something in the past, but it refuses to change, no matter how many times you try.

    So different to what you normally post, and yet so poignant. So absolutely amazing.

    Thank you for sharing this amazing piece with us, and I know it’s been 13 years, but I imagine it was still difficult to read though.

    Well written and even better read.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. It is so … out of your comfort zone, and that line gets me every time. “I can’t promise to love you for the rest of your life, but I promise to love you for the rest of mine” I wish I had the words to convey how good this is. “Amazing” doesn’t seem to cover it, but it’s a stepping stone.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Haha definitely out of my comfort zone! But that’s writing isn’t it? Taking risks. Thank you so much for your very kind praise!!


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