
(In a dream)



She closes her eyes to watch the parade of allemande memories dance

through her mind…as if choreographed…

Only these memories are of him…and her…desire mixed with love…

creating a symphony out of each detail of their time together…

His eyes imprinted in her mind…

so full of adoration and his love for her…

His touch forever fixed as an indelible mark upon her senses…

heightening them with only a thought…

His voice the song in her heart…

soothing while caressing her with each word… such sweet elegance…

This dance of love keeping synchronous rhythm…

 Every step…every breath…every heartbeat shared….

Building the chorus of their song…

keeping time…once elusive…now at their leisure…

Each memory adds to the one before…

As it is being composed with each new moment…

adding to its crescendo…



Copyright © Christina Brownlee 2012

28 thoughts on “Symphony…

  1. What a wonderful dream. Maybe it’s telling you that your life is about to turn a corner.

    You really do have an amazing ability, Christina. Thank you so much for sharing it with us.


      • You’re welcome. Although you don’t need a lot of encouragement. Your poetry is sublime.

        I have thank you. I decided that by the end of November I would put on a photo that was me as I am now. One of my last steps of coming out of hiding. Over the last couple of months my outlook on life has changed and I thought I would reflect this by showing who I am.

        Thank you Christina.


  2. AnElephantCant keep it a secret
    He has a wee tear in his eye
    Christina it seems
    Can translate her dreams
    Into wondrous visions of heartache and joy

    They tug at AnElephant’s heart strings
    They remind him what we all are made of
    Memories so sweet
    Give our lost souls a treat
    He thanks her and sends her his love


    • Well…I think AnElephant is the sweetest ever!!! Such a special comment…will hold in my heart…thank you so so very very much sweet friend! Hugs & Love to you ~


  3. Your words say it all Christina, a love that endures beyond parting, beyond life on this plane, and into the next where you will be reunited and that love can be rekindled and resumed with all it’s intensity for eternity.
    Another great poem full of love and feeling, thanks for sharing it with us all 😉
    love n hugs


  4. Thank goodness for those beautiful memories we all carry around in our hearts and thank goodness for someone as precious as you coming into all our lives. You have an amazing gift Christina. 🙂


    • Oh LuAnn you are such a sweet dear friend!! You always make me smile 😀 Thank you so much for your encouragement and very very kind praise… Hugs! ~


  5. Your “dream” of the present and future are wonderful. I envision life unfolding in a blessed way that will bring to you to an even greater happiness than before. 🙂


  6. Christina, such beautiful, melodic, picturesque love. The kind of memories we all want to cherish and gather into our hearts for reliving and revising over and over again for a lifetime of pleasure. Who could have created this treasured memory so artistically as you have? Thanks for the memories. Marsha Lee:)


  7. Hello Christina,wishing you a wonderful and successful new year.jalal


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