
(In a dream)



She closes her eyes to watch the parade of allemande memories dance

through her mind…as if choreographed…

Only these memories are of him…and her…desire mixed with love…

creating a symphony out of each detail of their time together…

His eyes imprinted in her mind…

so full of adoration and his love for her…

His touch forever fixed as an indelible mark upon her senses…

heightening them with only a thought…

His voice the song in her heart…

soothing while caressing her with each word… such sweet elegance…

This dance of love keeping synchronous rhythm…

 Every step…every breath…every heartbeat shared….

Building the chorus of their song…

keeping time…once elusive…now at their leisure…

Each memory adds to the one before…

As it is being composed with each new moment…

adding to its crescendo…



Copyright © Christina Brownlee 2012