Resonating Echo…

resonating echo
Thoughts pause, reflect and grow,
suspended in the afterward…
Enveloped and suffused by the power,
the sum of thought and emotion words evoke…
There can be no full stop, for if there were the resonating echo could not,
would not, be felt as intended…as hoped…
It would not ripple across the ebbs and flows of inspiration…
the manifestation of their inception…
No, they must be allowed to continue on…
To ride the waves of Soul’s ocean…
Its Tides of Thought…
Reflecting the enigmatic visceral emotions
in the heart in each of us…
In all of us…
Let it roam…
Bird in flight…
Skimming rainbows…
Kaleidoscope of starlight…
Clouds of wonder…
Beginning with me… finishing with you…
Circle of completion…
In perpetuum…
Is what fills my ellipses…
΅〜  ೋღ ♥ ღೋ 〜΅

2 thoughts on “Resonating Echo…

  1. To speak with an Australian accent – “Well, that’s a beaut!”

    Seeing a new piece of poetry from you is like music to my eyes. I always know I am going to get a wondrous piece of wordsmithing. And you never disappoint. This is magnificent. Having read it through twice (so far) it gets better each time. I have missed your words, even though I have the book, I have missed your new words. I have missed your ellipses. Now you can fill them again 😉

    Sorry, had to do it. Beautiful, beautiful. piece Christina.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hehe I like the Australian accent! Thank you so so much my dear friend! You give me happy smiles with your most generous praise! 🙂

      Hopefully, more new words shall come soon! You certainly know how to inspire a girl to write more haha 😉


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