Perspectives’ Prism…

Perspectives' PrismA vast plethora of varying variables…
Arbitrary perceptual perspective…
     When your perceptions become the subconscious mechanism of your every reaction…
     In which you presuppose what a situation or thing, a reaction, will be before you are in the moment of happening.
     You are then bringing the future to the present, not the true future, only your perspective of what it will be… before it can be anything. This moment when observed in its raw, open, transparent state, using all of your senses…  is malleable.
     Two distinct perspectives. Which holds truth? Or is it merely a compromise between us both? Who argues the loudest, reacts violently…in words, action, or deed? Is that the one who holds the truth?
     In the simple action of allowing one beat of a breath before accepting or rejecting this moment as it is, without your assignation of your past biases…filtering what it could be, with what you assume it to be….masking the true moment.
Life then, becomes Perspectives’ prism…
΅〜  ೋღ  ღೋ 〜΅
If you would like me to read this to you…
΅〜  ೋღ  ღೋ 〜΅

΅〜  ೋღ  ღೋ 〜΅

17 thoughts on “Perspectives’ Prism…

  1. Perspective Prism … a tongue twisted in two words. Hearing you read this piece. I love it. Your melodic voice puts s music to the words in a way that is not easily described.

    The words are excellent which is one of the many reasons I love reading your blog. Because your words are always full of meaning and they flow like a Disney Princesses gown.

    From my perspective, this is another wonderful piece, made better by your voice. Thank you so much for sharing it with us.

    Liked by 1 person

      • I didn’t like it, I loved it. I always wonder how you manage to make such beautiful pieces. Then I realise, it’s you, and you have a way with words that not many people have. Thank you 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

          • Anytime you write a piece, I will be there to read what will undoubtedly be a better than great piece. Your words – both written and voiced – are treasures.

            Liked by 1 person

            • Oh goodness, I am so grateful for you dear friend! You always give me the very bestest support and encouragement to reach higher… go further, to embrace my dreams with courage. Thank you isn’t big enough to convey my appreciation, I just have to hope you know how much! 🙂 #HugsAndGratitude + #MoreHugs 🙂

              Liked by 1 person

  2. I love this, as I love everything you do. It makes so much sense, the resolving of a potential future to something imagined now. It is only one possibility. If it is a good one, we should be motivated to bring it about – yet it is still only one good possibility. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Brava Christina, right on in keeping with your brilliant manner of presenting thoughts and ideas in highly evocative, clever, and creative prose. Especially love your reading. Voice and inflections most definitely beguiling. 🙂⚘🍃💕

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m so happy you loved this…the kind of so happy I’m lacking the words to properly convey my thankfulness happy. That kind lol. Thank you so so very much for your incredibly generous and amazing praise and neverending support! ☺️❤️~ #HugsAndGratitude

      Liked by 1 person

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