Fragmented Reflections…

In_a_dark_place_by_moonchild_ljilja deviantart

΅〜 ೋღ ღೋ     〜΅

Identity fragmented into thousands of reflections…
Who she was…
Who she is…
Who she will be…
Lost in the myriad of pieces that together make one whole…
΅〜 〜΅

Fractured time…

Shattered soul…


Visceral renovation…

΅〜 〜΅

Looking back…

Retracing steps of Memory’s journey…

Rumination of events leading to present…

΅〜 〜΅

She cries out from the conflicted chaos born from bringing the past to the present…

That girl, long abandoned…fervently seeking to find her place…

In this time…she cannot be…

Her time has come and gone…

Leaving me to forge a path to future…

Where I will also cease to be…

΅〜 ೋღ ღೋ     〜΅

For in the future…

Indomitable change will come yet again….

Inevitably…I will become the girl crying out…

From the past….

΅〜 〜΅

    ΅〜 ೋ  Christina〜  ೋ 〜΅

΅〜 ೋღ ღೋ     〜΅

It is by no means an irrational fancy that, in a future existence, we shall look upon what we think our present existence, as a dream.”
΅〜 Edgar Allan Poe 〜΅

΅〜 ೋღ ღೋ     〜΅

Gorgeous photo by moonchild Ljilja ~

59 thoughts on “Fragmented Reflections…

  1. I like this. Looking back over the past and seeing where everything was, and how it became what it is. Knowing that in the future, she will look back over the past where everything is and how it will become what it is destined to again.

    I think Poe’s quote at the end sums it perfectly. Another great post Christina.


    • I am happy you liked this! Indeed it is all about reflections and how we all change over time…each day really. Constantly re-shaping who and how we are as we reconcile the past with the present…to form the future. (hence the tag “time travel” haha)

      There were a few quotes that were the impetus to this…along with some random thoughts of my own. Thank you ever so much for sharing your thoughts… your encouragement is always cherished sweet friend!!


      • You’re welcome. 🙂

        It’s odd, I have been thinking for the last day or so about how things have changed over time since someone asked what the earliest memory we had was, and I looked back at every point that could have gone way or another. Each choice that could have “maked” or “breaked”, and how I would look back on this time as 🙂

        Each second, each thought, each word, each breath makes the future past something special


  2. ‘Visceral renovation…’ that is certainly a powerful phrase and my stand out line Stethinks. I’m liking this quote at the end of the poem as well, a timely reminder…the second this week read some Poe

    Life is often cyclical, which leads me to believe we are all in a metaphorical washing machine that keeps messing us up and will inevitably lead to creases. Okay now I;m thinking that ‘Identity fragmented into thousands of reflections…’ is my favourite line, I see the shattering of a mirror perhaps. The window of the soul they say. It’s metaphor heaven today it appears.

    I like the link to your last poem, subtley placed in the text, I would put it to you, my dear that in such a transient form of life that we lead, it is best to not dwell so much as it will come back around again and lessons have been learned and experiences have been…um, experienced.

    Anyway this essay has gone on far longer than I expected at the beginning, I will just say this last thing; your words, the yearnings and intensity are moving to say the least and renewing yourself but still being you is the very aspect with which you will conquer all before you. xxxxxx


    • Oh my….where to begin with such an amazing comment?! I do love the metaphorical washing machine haha!! It makes me happy that you had a favorite line…and not surprised that you would notice the link back to my previous piece.

      A shattered mirror would be spot on as one of the many metaphors floating about. I do tend to dwell…though in writing out my thoughts and musings helps me to set them free…so to speak.

      It is all about renewal….which we all are in the process of…all ways. Life is cyclical indeed and with lessons learned…experiences experienced….we move forward, which is the best way to move! I do very much appreciate your vote of confidence in my ability to conquer all before me…whilst still retaining my inherent nature.

      Your encouragement is always immensely cherished and in the end you continually give me the gift of a smile…which is a great gift…as is your awesome comment!! xxxxxx


  3. Love the photo 😉
    ‘…conflicted chaos born from bringing the past to the present’….always brings chaos indeed.. Which in turn wrecks havoc on the future perhaps.
    Lovely painting of words my friend 😉
    Have a gorgeous day 🙂
    Blessings always


    • Thank you so very much JC!! 🙂 Ooo….I love that…”painting of words” Your comment is a huge blessing today! I thank you also for lovely wishes for my day…which I reiterate and wish for you as well!!! Hugs and Blessings sweet friend ~


      • Of all your poems I have read, I sense this one fits how you are truly feeling. I pray for the courage it takes to slowly let go of the past and face the future with all its uncertainties and possibilities…
        You have such a wonderful gift and strength. May your light continue to shine brightly…
        Much love to you my friend 🙂


        • JC, thank you so very much for your amazing thoughts and prayers!! I do so cherish your encouragement sweet friend!! Sending hugs, love, and blessings to you! 🙂


  4. Beautifully penned Christina 🙂
    I enjoyed the temporal perspective in your poem.
    Past memories and experiences that struggle for a “Visceral renovation”… As she looks back, regrets tend to appear (“Identity fragmented into thousands of reflections” . “Fractured time”…)
    The last stanza is my favorite and I assume your verses there you are paraphrasing E. A Poe somehow….

    “It is by no means an irrational fancy that, in a future existence, we shall look upon what we think our present existence, as a dream.”
    ΅〜 Edgar Allan Poe 〜΅


    “For in the future…Indomitable change will come yet again….
    Inevitably…I will become the girl crying out…From the past”….

    ΅〜 Christina Brownlee〜΅

    Hugs for you and have a groovy weekend; Aquileana 🙂


  5. Beautiful and enlightening thoughts Christina. The quote by Edgar Allan Poe is fascinating and could be true. Yet it is only the present moment which really matters.
    Thank you and have a lovely day 🙂


    • Thank you so very much Dilip!! It is truly an honor to have you share your thoughts. You are most correct….only the present moment really matters….hard to remember that for me…for most people I would imagine!
      I hope you have a very wonderful weekend!! 🙂


  6. simply magnifique, Christina… I’m speechless. My very best, tons of inspiration and have a serene weekend! cheers & friendly thoughts, Mélanie NB – Toulouse, France


    • Thank you so very very much Melanie!! It makes me happy that you enjoyed this poem. I am honored you would share your thoughts with me!
      Again, I thank you for serene weekend wishes and send the same to you!


  7. I feel a conflicted woman in this piece, a sorrow to let go of the past but the soul’s desire to make whole again that which has been shattered…echoed voices of the past and present swirling about. This is just exceptional Christina, one of my very favorites! 🙂


    • Your insight is always accurate. I think, for one reason or another, we all change…consistently. It is the reconciliation I seek….between who I was…who I am…to make who I will be. Echoes haunt all ways….some days they are whispers…other days much louder. Writing is an amazingly awesome venue to let these thoughts out…freeing me of them, for a while anyway.

      It makes me very happy that this one is one of your very favorites! I hope you are well…sending so much love and huge hugs too! 🙂


      • Whoever you are becoming, I know that young woman is beautiful, sensitive, and exceedingly talented. She is someone who is loved and respected by all she has touched and those she has yet to touch. She is also like a fragile bird, but ready to spread her wings, and those who have held her close (past tense) are opening their arms and urging her to take flight. 🙂


        • You….I’m speechless with happy tears. You have such a gift with words dearest friend. Truly, you do! You infuse them with your genuine love and that….is a precious gift. I am grateful and so very lucky to have such amazing support from you. You are so loved and so cherished!! 🙂


          • I was a bit concerned I may have shared too much but cannot help but speak from my heart when it comes to you my friend. Have a beautiful week Christina. 🙂


            • No worries dearest friend!!! It is your sharing your thoughts…your encouragement….added to others who make this such an incredibly precious time in my life’s journey…I will keep writing…words willing! They do seem to have a mind of their own haha!! Sending so much love and wishes for the bestest week for you!! 🙂


  8. Hello my friend Christina 😀
    Your poems are really overwhelming, so full of your heart and soul. I don’t think that you could pen such thoughts without having experienced them yourself. If you have, then you really need a big hug. The blogosphere is enriched with your presence, words and hot chocolate 😉 Ralph xox 😀


    • Ralph, you have given me such a gift….more than you already have with your amazing friendship and encouragement…by sharing what you have about my poems. A hug would be amazing, but not as amazing as my hot chocolate hehe! 😉 In the interim…please know your visits always bring me smiles, giggles, and joy. Those are such wonderful things and I cherish them so very much!! Hot coco will be waiting for you…with “extra” marshmallows too! Just don’t tell everyone I gave you extra 😉 xox


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