Ligo Haibun Challenge ~ Illusion ~

~ This is my first attempt at the Ligo Haibun Challenge for more information and to see the other offerings click here  ~

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This is my illusory image…the projection of myself. A paradox within the very masquerade I portray. I am not that which you think you see when you look at me. Quite the contrary…I am that which I choose to see. Reflection’s surreality is the lie. If you look with intent…truly discerning in your journey to discovery of what is or is not real. Then your rewards will be enlightenment, illumination, understanding. Even more so…you will see what I see…beyond the façade…the charade built over the years of life’s trials and tribulations…The interpretation of faux projection bearing no semblance of truth. You will see so far beyond the layers of lie…so as to truly see yourself when you look into me…your mirror.

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mirror illusion

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masquerade’s lie hidden
 truth impatiently waiting
mirror’s illumination

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      ∼ ೋღ  Christina~  ღೋ      ∼

49 thoughts on “Ligo Haibun Challenge ~ Illusion ~

  1. A great first go. I think everyone has an illusion that they show. It’s trying to get the truth out there for people to see the real person that is the difficult side.


  2. Se solo riuscissimo a vedere ciò che altri vedono di noi!!!!
    Vedremo noi stessi come siamo realmente!…
    Ottimo spunto di esperienza!
    Un abbraccio fraterno


    • Esattamente il mio dolce amico! Che meraviglia sarebbe di vedere noi stessi come fanno gli altri! Grazie mille per la vostra comprensione e la lode … Abbracci e benedizioni ~


  3. Seems like you’ve got this Haibun thing in the bag! 🙂
    If we could see ourselves how others see us – I think for some it would be a rude awakening. For others – it would be like a never-ending hug.


    • Thank you so much Rosy! So so very true…it would interesting for those who need both the rude awakening and the never-ending hug to experience that!! I know you would be one to get that never-ending hug!! 😀 {Hugs!}


  4. Robert Burns says:
    O wad some Power the giftie gie us
    To see oursels as ithers see us!
    It wad frae mony a blunder free us,
    An’ foolish notion
    Bob Dylan says:
    I wish that for just one time You could stand inside my shoes
    And just for that one moment I could be you
    The beautiful Christina expresses this age old conundrum in her own elegantly unique way.
    Exquisitely written as always, the mystery remains.
    And no surprise that your first Haibun is a masterpiece!


    • AnElephant always know exactly what to say to make me feel so very honored and happy…and smiling too! There were so many (like yours!) whom I attempted to reach higher for when writing this. Your praise means so so very way much to me!! Thank you! Huge hugs ~


  5. Christina,
    Every time I read one of your posts I always feel smarter haha 😉

    I never heard of the Ligo Haibun challenge and of course I had to look it up. This was beautiful…….illusions well crafted are like fortresses. Often the person inside, accustomed to its protection, shuns the vulnerability of what coming from within the walls presents….a familiar stranger. I hope that makes sense 🙂

    Blessings to you my sister


    • Oh JC!! What an awesome compliment…thank you so so much! Indeed, a familiar stranger…oh yes it makes perfect sense. I wonder how many of us (me included) would change if we could but see life without the “fortress” …without the illusion to protect us. Most definitely a fascinating idea to ponder ~ Hugs and Blessings ~


    • Celestine…thank you so much!! I am well happy you liked this! I have to admit after admiring your haiku for so very long…I felt compelled to try this one! 😀 Hugs! ~


  6. I enjoy educating you on how everyone else sees you. I find it extremely endearing to see your face as I tell you how highly regarded you are in these here poetry circles and blogging circles in general.

    You write intensely and that’s what brings us all back…you always take your time before posting and then come up with a corking post…xxxxx


  7. You have woven this in a really beautiful, graceful way. Letting me get closer, until I see through reflections and grasp what it is I want to see.. And your haiku makes me look again.


  8. Each sentence or segment has something to say here,but the last sentence in your prose was really a shocker – so clever! Intricate, wise, and eminently readable. Your haiku went well with it – clicked so well I should say! A thousand welcomes!


  9. This-is-refreshingly-and-startlingly-profound(which-is-the-illusion-that-covers-and-hides-the-unimaginable-simplicity-of-truth..;D…)…


    • I am truly honored that this could intrigue you so! 🙂 Even more so that your insight was so very accurate to what I was trying share with my words. Words are so very powerful and their ability to evoke such a myriad of thoughts is rather astounding to me! Indeed we are captains of our own vessels and your thoughts about us as humans truly believing that rather than a daily affirmation…so so true!!

      Your encouragement and praise was just what I needed today! Thank you so so much! Am sending my gratitude along with a huge ditto for the warmest greetings and well wishes ❤!!


  10. Gracefully composed by the delicate touch of your innermost heartfelt moments…Perfectly you have painted your thoughts on the canvas with such colors that touches the heart to its core so intimately…I always say you are a great artist Christina…I feel and can relate to these words…………………!!


    • Kazi your generous praise always leaves me so speechless! You are such a wonderful encouragement to me sweet friend! Such an eloquent and beloved comment from you…thank you so so much! Hugs and Blessings ~


  11. Some people are just a natural at some things. I’d say you’ve proven quite well that you are a “natural” at writing a haibun. Excellent! xx


      • Listen, I won’t tell anyone. I just have one request… When the Illumaniti (henceforth, those of whom we shall not speak) take over the world, can you ensure those of whom we shall not speak understand that I was rooting for them the entire time? Because, I really am. >:D Kidding, kidding…or am I?

        Ha! You’re an excellent poet and writer. How could one not enjoy this? Okay, I should go be productive or something now. Stay up!


        • You’re too awesome!! Fact! (I promise to stealthily pass on the message in the most secretive manner possible haha) ~

          That is an amazing compliment and one I desperately needed to hear…from you…most definitely awesome and cherished!

          I shan’t keep you my good sir….go forth and spread your awesomeness!!


  12. Hi Christina. Flat mirrors are boring, functional, lifeless, but funfair mirrors make you laugh. Every house should have at least one. Have a lovely weekend my friend. Ralph xox 😀


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